Monday, February 18, 2008

To infinity...and beyond!

Purim is coming up next month (please do not call it the "Jewish Halloween" - thank you) and every year our synagogue as a costume theme for the entire congregation. This allows though who do not want to dress up in the traditional costumes (Mordechai, Esther, Haman, Vashti, and Ahashveros) another option that doesn't require too much thinking. My personal fave was "pajama party" and last year it was dress as your favorite TV characters (we were 3/4 of the Wiggles). This year's theme is "super heroes" which is good, because the kid is WAY into Buzz Lightyear.

So I'm thinking - I'm crafty. I can make him a Buzz costume. I've made him a wicked cool "Super" cape with stars on it, which is what he's worn for Halloween for the past few years. But it would be cool to surprise him with a Buzz costume. Now you can buy a costume (with wings!) on eBay for $24.50 (incl. shipping). Can I make him one though (without wings, although I can buy inflatable wings for $12) although wings aren't necessarily needed since he pretends to have them now).

I decided that if I can buy all the supplies I'd need to make it for less than $25, then I suppose that would be worth it? Do I make a one piece jumpsuit out of white fleece? Hot glue (although I'm anal - I'd probably end up sewing) me on some felt "buttons" and "lights" and stuff? I think it's doable.

So after much thought, I went with a zip hoodie (although the hood seems quite large). The hardest part was sewing all the details onto the front pieces prior to final construction, and cleaning up the fabric paint that exploded all over me (luckily it was black paint on a black sweater) but otherwise, not too tough. The whole thing is made from polar fleece, so it will be nice and warm to wear for both Purim and Halloween. The kid wore the jacket as soon as it was finished, and all day today. He would like you to note the red laser on one arm, and his communication button for star command/clock on the other. There are also pockets in the front as per his request. And I did come in under budget. (Having lots of remnants and sewing supplies in the house helped).

So here is "Bug Lightyear"...

For a homemade costume, I think this is quite kick ass! Go me.

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