Hi. I'm Fred. I have another blog, but this is my arts and crafts blog. It will be dedicated to my craft doing and general showing off of.
Mostly I sew, sometimes I paint - but crafty things as opposed to art things. It should be noted that I don't run with scissors. I like colorful fun things, tend to skew towards the more contemporary when it comes to some things, yet I'm not a big fan of the current day modern art. The Tate Modern scared me. I see a lot of bad art in my daily life, so I prefer to create things that aren't scary. Nowadays I'm way into sewing things. I've found some great quilts that I'd love to make. I've also been known to make handbags, hats, and stuffed friends. Oh, and photography too.
Currently I'm working on a pair of quilts that will be donated to Project Linus. One is finished, the other is almost there. My next project is a quilt for the kid. Who loved the quilts that I was making "for the babies" that he wants another one for himself. I found some awesome cool fabric and will be making some digital mock-ups in order to decide which one will work best. Opinions will be solicited.
In case any of you were wondering about the new name, this is one that has been in my head for years. Fred was my imaginary dead cartoon dog in high school. You had to know me then. I like to sew and make things. Therefore Spool of Fred was born. Enjoy!